Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Girl

Cate is getting so big and discovering so many new things every day!
She is discovering how to get into mommys diaper bag....
how to stand up all by to make make mom and dad laugh our heads off!...
we are trying to help her discover being nice to cousin!!
And lastly she has discovered a mean nasty screem! It drives me NuTs!! Hopefully my efforts to get her to stop will help SOON!!
(Weight loss post next week!!)


Ward Valentine Day Dance

Lauren & Liby

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I HAVE to do this!

Ok, so I've tried and then given up and then tried and then quit, again and again! Losing weight. Its hard. I've been doing good for about 4 months now and its taking a long time...but it feels good! So good! I'm starting to feel not so motivated again and so I need a challenge! I'm going to post my progress (and sometimes not so much progress). Maybe this way I'll have a little extra push...I DON'T want to post weight gain! Sometimes I wont lose any and that's ok, as long as I'm being healthy!

So here is a little history...

This is right before I got married. Me-weighing my lowest weight since I was a Junior in High School. At this point I still had about 35lbs to lose

Then I got married. I gained it ALL back plus some... 25lbs
(This is one of the only kinda full body shots I have..and I know exactly why!)

Then I gained 31lbs while I was pregnant! So that's 61lbs more than when I got married and 91lbs to lose to be at my goal weight (I can't believe I'm saying this, so embarrassing!)!!!!!

A week after I had Cate I lost most of the pregnancy weight, 21lbs. I think most of that weight was in my feet!! I weighed 10lbs more than when I got pregnant (no pic).

And here I am now 8 months later (I've been losing for about 4 months) and I've lost 30lbs. Soooo, 5lbs till I get to my weight on my wedding day and 40 to my goal weight! I like to make short term goals, my next goal is to lose 25 by June. It seems really easy but my weight loss has slowed way way down and so I think this is pretty practical for me.

I have lots of family and friends trying to lose weight right along with me. I know we can do it guys! Lets be strong!! I HAVE to do this (especially now!!! Haha)