Thanks for all of the sweet comments!!
A couple of you asked how I am trying to lose weight. I'm just eating less (counting calories) and exercising (every now and then its the hardest for me!!) oh and not eating past 7ish. I haven't wanted to do a "diet" because I want to do something that I will do forever. I eat what I want, just not as much! So far its working out!
Since last time I posted about weight loss, 3 weeks ago, I've lost 6 pounds. Its been a little bit easier since I've know I had to post my weight loss (thanks for listening and supporting me :)) BUT losing weight is still HaRd. There are so many dang good temptations out there!
Matt and I have been doing a weight loss challenge with some friends since the middle of November (horrible-right before all of the holidays!) and we weigh in tonight to see who wins!! I'm so nervous!! We have tough competition! I'm a little nervous, this is probably tmi but... its that time of the month.. and so I'm bloated and I've retained a little extra water :( I hope whatever shows up on the scale tonight is enough! If its not I feel good and I'm fitting into smaller clothes that's kinda better than the money I could win...right?!
I'll let you know the end results of the challenge later!
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